
Showing posts from March, 2020

The need for multi-lingual support during Crypto Exchange Development

As the world embraces digitization with open hands, the reach of crypto exchanges has expanded many times. With virtual currencies developing everywhere, it has become one to watch out for the future. As cryptocurrencies enter different markets and eliminate different barriers, it has increased the number of online users necessitating the need for multi-lingual support in crypto exchange development. Regardless of established companies or new users, the industry’s growth has been unprecedented, with a rise in the number of online sign-ups, trading volume, and market capitalization. As different players aim at consolidating their position by reaching out to traders and investors with suitable traders, multilingualism has become the order of the day. Advantages of possessing multiple language support in Crypto Exchange development  Strengthens the customer experience - When users get to hear a customer support representative respond to their queries and complaints in their native la...

Crypto Platforms for Leverage trading, Margin Trading with high Leverage

The number of investment vehicles has grown proportional to the number of investment opportunities. Today, it is so diverse that a random combination of three letters of the alphabet is quite likely to represent an investment vehicle! However, all these investment vehicles are bound to fall under any one of the four categories: stocks, bonds, commodities, and cash. When it comes to volatility, the leader in this quartet is commodities. Optimistically speaking, the magnitude of volatility represents the magnitude of profitability/return. Applying the same logic to the other end of the spectrum, it also represents the possibility of a considerable loss as well. Investors have been counting on this volatility, and commodities have lived up to its reputation of being one of the most profitable and highly speculative as an asset class. One of the key factors driving the volatile nature of commodities is that most of the investors trade commodities using a futures contract. These co...

Learn how to promote your crypto exchange effectively and spin profits in millions!

For any business, the ultimate goal is to attain maximum profits and reach among customers! And to achieve both, the most important tool in marketing. How effective marketing is how wide the reach will be for the business. Marketing creates an identity, reputation, branding for any business among its targeted audience. Especially for a rapidly growing business like cryptocurrency business and the one that is in huge demand, it is mandatory to carry out effective marketing to sustain in the long run and shine over existing competitors. How to do that? Let’s look at some compelling marketing strategies.  Tips to market  your crypto exchange soundly 📣 :  Before going into the strategies, there are a few important steps you need to take that include deep marketing research, analyzing the existing competitors, etc which will help you make unique marketing plans to gain loyalty from customers over the other existing exchanges. Once you analyze the market needs, pla...

The Most Comprehensive Guide Ever to Starting Your Whitelabel Crypto Exchange Business

In order to develop your own cryptocurrency exchange software, the internal architecture of an exchange platform software should be understood. In addition, the correct exchange software is required.  The following steps are to be considered when developing your own crypto software: Identify the location where you desire to operate the business Regardless of regional focus, appropriate licensing and approvals are required to run a crypto exchange . Laws are variable based on exchange. Identify regulations in that area Compliance with KYC norms is mandatory. Team up with a bank or payment processor This is necessary for payments to be made via fiat currency. Banks that offer a wide range of online facilities are a good choice. Utilize transaction history and liquidity on the exchange Crypto exchanges need liquidity to function smoothly. The following are three methods to fuel liquidity : -> Simulate trading activity in your exchange platform by sale/...

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