
Showing posts from May, 2020

The need for multi-lingual support during Crypto Exchange Development

As the world embraces digitization with open hands, the reach of crypto exchanges has expanded many times. With virtual currencies developing everywhere, it has become one to watch out for the future. As cryptocurrencies enter different markets and eliminate different barriers, it has increased the number of online users necessitating the need for multi-lingual support in crypto exchange development. Regardless of established companies or new users, the industry’s growth has been unprecedented, with a rise in the number of online sign-ups, trading volume, and market capitalization. As different players aim at consolidating their position by reaching out to traders and investors with suitable traders, multilingualism has become the order of the day. Advantages of possessing multiple language support in Crypto Exchange development  Strengthens the customer experience - When users get to hear a customer support representative respond to their queries and complaints in their native la...

Cryptocurrency derivatives trading- A quick guide!

Ever since the advent, cryptocurrencies have been a game-changer in the business world. With the help of the ingenious blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies have solved issues faced by the major industries and transformed them into a whole new level. Despite all the fame cryptocurrencies have been gaining over the years, there is still a need for more refinement to bring in more adoption, to a greater extent. And to advertise cryptocurrencies more and bring in more use-cases, the most effective way is through crypto derivatives. Cryptocurrency derivatives have been gaining huge traction in recent years and Bitcoin is the most common derivative. If you are a beginner, let’s quickly take a look at what cryptocurrency derivatives mean. What is a derivative?  The derivative is a financial product, which is either a contract or security, that depends on another asset to gain a value of its own. In simple terms, derivatives have no value without another asset or a stream of c...

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